Coaching à distance
Le coaching à distance comprend une programmation 100% personnalisée et adaptée à tes objectifs et tes disponibilités. Je t'aide à devenir plus fort(e) et bien dans ton corps ! Tu peux débuter dès maintenant pour une durée de 3 mois minimum (temps nécessaire pour avoir de premiers résultats significatifs). Je suis disponible 7j/7 pour effectuer tes bilans, répondre à toutes tes questions ! Alors ne perds plus de temps et prends contact avec moi pour développer un mindset de battant(e) et atteindre tous tes objectifs!
Prendre ContactCoaching présentiel
L'heure de passer la porte de la salle est arrivée et tu doutes de tes capacités à construire tes séances, réaliser les bons mouvements de manière efficace, économique et adaptée, confie moi ta programmation. Je veillerai à te donner un cadre, des astuces et autres indications pertinentes pour te faciliter ton parcours sportif. Avec l'accompagnement présentiel tu gagneras en confiance, assurance et efficacité. Si tu en ressens le besoin, c'est un investissement sur toi même qui te sera ultra bénéfique.
Prendre ContactWorkshop Street Workout
Si tu as envie de progresser rapidement et de bénéficier de l'expérience et des conseils de professionnels de l'athlétisme, alors je te recommande de te diriger vers ce type de prestation. En effet, en participant à un entraînement collectif encadré par ma présence, tu aurras l'occasion de t'entourer d'autres sportifs qui partagent les mêmes objectifs que vous et de bénéficier de l'échange et de l'entraide de groupe. Cette formule est particulièrement efficace pour passer des étapes dans ton parcours sportif et pour te motiver à donner le meilleur de toi-même. Alors n'hésite pas à t'inscrire à cette prestation et à te mettre au défi !
Prendre ContactPhone call / advice
During a 45-minute call, you will have the opportunity to discuss different topics on which you are wondering and for which I could provide you with a constructed answer. The goal is to draw you a road or a path to follow, without giving you a very precise list. Count on me to clarify your goals, wishes, dreams or career plan. The topics I deal with during the calls are available in description. So don't hesitate if you have any doubts, and give me a call.
ContactMa transformation
Je suis fière de vous présenter ma transformation physique réalisée grâce aux conseils que je prodigue dans mes programmes. J'ai décidé de mettre en pratique mes propres enseignements et j'ai été agréablement surprise par les résultats obtenus. Cela m'a confortée dans l'idée que mes méthodes sont efficaces et que je suis capable de guider les gens vers leurs objectifs de manière concrète et durable. Si vous êtes motivé et prêt à suivre mes conseils, je suis persuadée que vous aussi pourrez réaliser une transformation significative et atteindre vos objectifs de manière saine et équilibrée.
Autre vidéo Youtube qui pourrait t'intéresser :
What my clients think of me:
Room coaching + Distance learning
I exceeded my limits by leaving my comfort zone, after being stuck at 40 KG in the squat for a long time. Thanks to Pauline and her very clear and concise explanations, I managed to better structure my sessions. She always has the kind words to motivate you to surpass yourself and adapts very well to your personality and your abilities.
Distance coaching
“EXEMPLARY is the only word that comes to mind when I talk about Pauline! Firstly because his coaching greatly exceeds my expectations. I obviously thought I would progress physically alongside him, but I'm also learning a lot on the mental side. Since her, I see bigger! I see competitions and it's not nothing to want to find a place in a discipline supposedly reserved for men. Then I recommend it for the quality of its programming. I've never been bored, each workout brings its share of pain, laughter, pride and sometimes even questioning. But all this is thought out to allow you to move forward and progress. 5 weeks to have my 1st muscle-up. Finally, I sincerely want to thank her for her patience and her passion. Pauline has the words to encourage you when you doubt and congratulate you when you hit hard. She traces a path for you that you just have to take.
Room coaching + Distance learning
Just thank you, since I have you in coaching I appreciate the difficulty of my sessions and have never been so regular. My body has changed, I am gaining strength, session after session and I am no longer afraid to overcome my own barriers thanks to you and your regularity in sending sessions and responses. For the face-to-face sessions, I find you very warm, motivating, encouraging and above all for reviewing the technical bases. Your weekly sheets are tops, and the recipes... a treat while eating healthy. A real pleasure !
Distance coaching
“I was able to discover Pauline via social networks. I asked him for coaching because his physical performance and his determination seemed to me to be what I needed. I was never disappointed. Very caring, available motivating! I was able to advance in my goals. I highly recommend his coaching. The diversification of exercises and its ability to adapt allowed me to work on what I wanted but also what I needed. Thanks again !"
Room coaching + Distance learning
“I contacted Pauline explaining my approach. I started with 5 coaching sessions. Pauline was flexible in the days and times that I could offer. Every weekend she contacted me to plan training for the following week. Throughout the coaching, she was attentive and was able to advise me and correct me on my execution, explain them to me in detail to optimize my muscular work. From one session to another I received the details of the previous and following session. In face-to-face, Pauline is full of encouragement, which pushes her to surpass herself. I took 5 sessions in a row and she was able to adapt them to gradually increase in intensity!